1995-Sweatshirt Painting 1996-World Fellowship Silent Auction Winners
1997-Cindy painting a valentine tote bag 1998-Holiday Auction winners
2000-Jackie and Mary with Michigan State Attorney General Amy and Sherry mix their cement for the stone
Colleen creating a floral wreath Decorative Book Making
Delta Kappa GAmma Jeopardy winners DKG Members prior to Family Center Literacy Project
Esther at Fall Workshop Esther making a floral wreath
Esther, Adele, Jackie and Alice at Fall Workshop Esther, Joan, Judi and Helen prepare for February's C.F. project
Feb. 24 2005 meeting Floral magnets
Grace teaching how to make stepping stones Holiday Auction Committee
Judi awaits instructions from Grace Making stepping stones
Sherry and Mary Jo at Greenfield Village Dinner State President Judy Foster and Lola Wilson attending our meeting with Chef Janes
Sue making a floral wreath